You might think since I have started this list with a sci-fi or fantasy type of film that I would be inclined to have Superman The Movie film be next, but have you seen it lately? That film does not hold up.

It moves at a turtle’s pace. I don’t know if it’s because of when this was shot or whether it has to do with being the first origin film for a superhero, but it sure takes its time. I’ll bet you didn’t know that Christopher Reeve doesn’t show up in the film until ⅓ of the way into the film.

It has been too long since I have seen many of the other notable films of the year (which I think it going to be a theme for this list), but only 2 of which I haven’t seen Dawn of the Dead and Midnight Express. I believe the former is regarded as the best of George A. Romero’s films but I would need to defer one of my close friends for comment.

In my opinion the rest of the 10 movies I am about to list could easily be surpassed by one of most renowned zombie films of all time (if that is indeed the case), but it would take something special to dethrone my unique pick of the year.

I do not wish to diminish the achievements of these pioneering films since half of them are the first in the series for some of the biggest franchises we have every seen.

We all know that Superman is still pulling in huge numbers at the box office, even though I haven’t been interested in (or seen) anything from DC after sitting through Man of Steel. Up in Smoke established the stoner comedy genre and has just as many films as the Kryptonian, Halloween boasts 3 more films in its series with 10, Animal House created the whole National Lampoon juggernaut that just won’t die, and Grease… had a sequel.

Other great films of the year are The Last Waltz which was a great documentary and The Buddy Holly Story which I honestly don’t remember but I think I’ve seen it.

The oscars lauded The Deer Hunter which undeniably has some of the most intense and well acted scenes of not only that year, but the year prior and one following. It doesn’t sit with me as a film I would call my favorite, but I begrudgingly have to give it that nod. I was hoping every film I picked for this list would be one that I would gladly go back and watch time and time again, but this year is an exception.

My favorite film of 1978: The Deer Hunter


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